Foodrool Delivers Emotions, Not Just Food

The Indian food is renowned for its great diversity. Although, the world has a rich cultural food heritage ranging from Italian, Japanese, French, Thai, Indian, Chinese to African, but Indian cuisines with its exotic flavour of spices tops the list. The Indian cuisines are more than 5000 years old. They have been influenced by the dynamic cultures, changing geographies, changing rulers, colonization and travellers.  Indian cuisines are famous for their incredible use of natural herbs as well as significant assortment of dishes. The Indian cooking fashion is generally split into North Indian and South Indian cuisines.

Online Food Store
Online Food Store
Food and emotions: It is a two way street
“People might forget what you said. People might forget whatever you did. But they are never going to forget how you have made them feel.”

Since time immemorial, human civilization has taken great pleasure in eating. The bottom line of the symbiotic relationship between the mood and food is basically that, it is a two way street.

Our moods and emotions impose a great influence over the food that we decide to choose. Even more so, it is the mood we expect to be put in after eating food. A poor diet full of heavy carbs, fat, and sugar will very easily put you on an emotional roller coaster. Conversely, a healthy diet ensures that a person is well balanced psychologically and emotionally.

The online food store that you wished for
FooDrool is a website which was created to help you order your favourite cuisines on the move, so you never ever have to wait in a queue again. With just a few taps, a customer can choose a nearby venue which is up to 12 kms, place the order and enjoy the fresh food in the most seamless manner ever. The main aim of FooDrool is to create a perfect blend of the comfort of home with opulence and refinement of a high- end luxurious restaurant. The eclectic food that arrives at your door step has an alluring aroma as well as fresh taste. At the same time, the texture is unaffected by the whole delivery and packaging process. Your experience with the online food store, FooDrool, will be remarkably satisfying and you will definitely want to food order online
FooDrool has unbundled food delivery and successfully launched a food delivery app India.

An Unbelievable Surprise!
Getting that “perfect romantic outing” is a dream of every lady. Once, there was an old lady whose husband used to add a dash of quirkiness to a romantic eve by taking her to dine in at her most adorable and favourite restaurant. No matter how gruelling it gets for him to plan out the day, but he would never fail to fix a great romantic dinner at his wife’s favourite restaurant. This ritual was broken when the wife accidentally broke her leg on the day of their wedding anniversary.

The husband ordered her favourite scrumptious food from a five star restaurant with the help of FooDrool app. He made all the arrangements of a soothing music with an elegant decor. What can one ask for more?
Foodrool Delivers Emotions, Not Just Food Foodrool Delivers Emotions, Not Just Food Reviewed by FooDrool on 2/28/2016 Rating: 5

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